Rental Contract legal agreement terms:
This is a contract of renting only and not of sale. It is up to the Renter to perform its due diligence as to what the equipment can or cannot do. The Rental Agent is not responsible for setting up the equipment, even if they deliver it and assist any way, nor the performance thereof, other than the equipment to operate as designed under normal conditions; Renter to contact Rental Agent in such case. There are many unknown variables that may inhibit the performance of the equipment; it is not the responsibility of the Rental agent to determine such or combat these difficulties (see reverse side). The minimum weekly rate will be incurred regardless whether the equipment performed the intended job. The undersigned Renter agrees that he has rented the item(s) herein described upon the express condition that it will at all times remain the property of the Rental Agent named above; that he has examined said item, found it to be in good condition and will return it in as good condition as when he received it, ordinary wear and tear excepted; that he will return at once to the Rental Agent any item not functioning normally; that he will pay promptly when due all charges which accrue because of this rental, including damages to said item. In the event the Renter fails to return said item at the agreed time, or fails to abide by any of the other terms of this contract, the Rental Agent may repossess it without notice to the Renter, and the Rental Agent is hereby released from all claims arising therefrom.* Renter is responsible to return item(s) in a clean condition; or elect to pay the Rental Agent a minimum of $150 for each item returned unclean (covers up to 1 hour; prorated thereafter).An additional fee of 2%, compounded monthly, will be added to any unpaid balance. Any court costs and/or attorney’s fees that are incurred by the Rental Agent to assure the terms of this agreement will be the sole responsibility of the Renter. All charges, including the one week minimum rate, are based on the time item is in renter's possession whether in use or not. The Rental Agent is not responsible for accidents or injuries caused directly or indirectly in the use of the rented item.
*Rental agent is not responsible for the moisture content, convey-ability of Renters product, is not accountable for the non-productivity due to the elements or the performance of equipment due to unknown or known material types and conditions or for material wedging into pulleys, drives or drums. Further, Renter is responsible for damages to the equipment regardless of its production level.